Rapier Superlight Coupe is a super sports car and I saw a picture of this car in red color in essays cheap writing. I became a fan of sports cars since then. It was the very first time when I read the specifications and features of a sports car so carefully. I also looked up for further details on the Internet because I wanted to write a dissertation writing help paper on it. Rapier Superlight Coupe is a sports car that has composite body panels and it looks extremely exotic when its butterfly doors are opened. This car weighs around 2375 pounds. This car is named for a quick and a light type of a sword that fits perfectly. The reported speed of this cool sports car is 222 mph and a middle grade engine is installed behind the seats. The real mission while manufacturing this car was to keep its weigh down. Therefore the body of the car is built with aluminum chassis and composite body panels contribute in keeping the weigh down. This car has three V8 engines with a horse power of 505mph. Like other sports cars, it has a six speed manual transmission system. Most of the sports car owners like the Rapier Superlight Coupe in red color but the manufacturers keep an option of various custom colors too. This car can accelerate from 0 to 60 mph in 3.2 seconds only and it costs around $179,000 along with the base engine.